RSMSSB Livestock Assistant 2022, Patwar 2021, Computer Operator 2021, Agriculture Supervisor Finally Selected Candidates

RSMSSB Livestock Assistant 2022, Patwar 2021, Computer Operator 2021 Finally Selected Candidates

पशुधन सहायक 2022, संगणक 2021, पटवारी 2021, कृषि पर्वेक्षक 2021 रिक्त पदों पर चयनित अभ्यार्थीयो की सूची

Click on Link

  1. LIVESTOCK ASSISTANT 2022 : Recommendation of Finally Selected Candidates
  2. Computer Operator 2021 : Recommendation of Finally Selected Candidates
  3. Patwar 2021: Recommendation of Finally Selected Candidates (List-IV)
  4. Agriculture Supervisor 2021: Recommendation of Finally Selected Candidates

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